General Dentistry Services in Rock Hill, SC | Rise and Shine Dentistry

General Dentistry

Dental Exam

Dental exams can help our team identify and care for oral issues early and are essential in improving and maintaining excellent oral health.

Digital X-rays

Our Rock Hill, SC practice uses digital dental x-rays to look for dental cavities, bone loss, impacted teeth, and other undetected oral concerns.

3D Impressions

3D imaging captures highly accurate images of your mouth without the uncomfortable impressions and mess associated with traditional dental molds.

Dental Cleaning

Biannual professional dental cleanings remove stubborn tartar, plaque, and stains to help Rock Hill, SC patients maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants can prevent decay from developing and could be especially helpful for children and individuals with a higher risk of dental cavities.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments can help prevent cavities by strengthening the enamel and may be beneficial for individuals with a higher risk of decay.

Family Dental Care

Family dental care is offered for individuals in Rock Hill, SC during each stage of life to diagnose and treat functional or aesthetic dental issues.

Emergency Dental Care

Emergency dental care may be needed if an individual experiences a dental emergency, such as a knocked out or broken tooth or severe tooth pain.

Intraoral Camera

An intraoral camera allows you to see accurate images of your mouth to further understand your dental health and any needed treatments.

Night Guards

Custom-made night guards help to safeguard your teeth and jaw from the uncomfortable side effects of teeth grinding and jaw clenching (bruxism).

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are made using a composite material and shaded to match your surrounding teeth for seamless, natural-looking results.

Tooth Extractions

Our Rock Hill, SC team performs tooth extractions to remove significantly damaged, broken, or impacted teeth, boosting oral health and comfort.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.